Flowers for Franklinton
Show opens September 13, at the Center for Architecture and Design
From 6-9pm at 50 W Town St., join me for my final part of this project: the show that’s made from all the work! Using 1000 tissue paper flowers, I created a site-specific installation showcasing the numerous flowers, with information about this project. With about 300 of the 1000 flowers made by community members at various workshops, I had the opportunity to involve a wider audience in this project, and was able to share my art with them. I engaged with participants in the workshops by having them make a small tissue paper flower for themselves, and one for me to keep - the ones I kept being used for the installation. Kids and adults were able to do this with ease, and enjoyed the quick craft, and learning about Franklinton.
Below are photos from the exhibit.
Flora & Fun: Workshops
balancing play within art making
Funded by the Greater Columbus Arts Council, Artist Project Grants 2024
balancing play within art making 〰️ Funded by the Greater Columbus Arts Council, Artist Project Grants 2024 〰️
Workshops of Artistic Play Through Crafts
Engaging the public in a larger art piece through collaborative art-making workshops to provide inspiration and hands-on art activities to an audience of all ages, that culminates in a (gallery) show within Franklinton, focusing on the growth and blossoming of Franklinton, and the Franklinton Arts District.
The next Flora & Fun workshop is scheduled for Sunday, August 24th, at Weiland’s Market, from11:30am - 3:30pm. There will be a tent set up, ready to chat and craft with you! This will likely be the last workshop, and the work for the show is underway!
Flowers For Franklinton
Through these public workshops, privately held workshops, and my own time, 1000 tissue paper flowers are being created. These community-created tissue paper flowers will be combined with other larger floral installation pieces to be exhibited in a gallery space in or near Franklinton. In conjunction with the expansive installation, several designed posters will showcase research about the history of Franklinton and The Franklinton Arts District, and the growth and blossoming of the area in recent years. This research is done by Heidi, through conversations with Franklinton residents, stakeholders, and gathering information through community forums and outreach.